Elevate the role of pharmacy
Empower pharmacy to drive continual quality improvement through instant access to clinical and operational metrics of medication-related patient safety, efficacy, and utilization.

Standardize dosing practice across your organization.
Especially for larger health systems, standardized dosing practices can be difficult to enforce. With enterprise-wide benchmarking enabled by a dedicated analytics platform, you can observe variations in dosing practice across hospitals, reduce variation in care, and improve outcomes across your enterprise.

Prove value using data.
Changes in clinical practice, such as implementation of new precision dosing programs, can be challenging to monitor, making it difficult to measure clinical impact. With real-time dosing analytics, you can more easily track the success of your precision dosing and process improvement efforts.

Speed up your medication-use evaluations.
Accreditation standards, such as the Joint Commission’s MM.08.01.01, call for hospitals to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of their medication management systems. However, performing medication-use evaluations can be a lengthy process that requires pharmacy personnel to perform manual chart reviews or wait for data pull requests. Real-time dosing analytics enable pharmacies to view performance metrics and clinical outcomes quickly without lengthy lag times, greatly accelerating medication-use evaluations.