Enhance your understanding of a drug’s pharmacological disposition in real-time
Real-time pharmacology analytics to improve and accelerate decision making in drug development.

Identify recommended dose in Phase I dose-finding studies.
The goals of a phase I dose‐finding study includes evaluating the safety of the tested drug, finding the correct dose and dose range, and identifying a recommended dose (RD) for subsequent trials. The pharmacokinetic data collected during such a study provides a first step in describing the dose-concentration and dose-toxicity-response relationships. The InsightRX Apollo platform provides a series of dashboards that helps you perform real-time pharmacokinetic and adverse drug event analysis during the clinical trial in order to more efficiently identify the RD for a given drug.
Effectively navigate the dose escalation study by incorporating population level analytics into the dosing strategy. Utilize data driven guidance to know how and when to dose escalate, make cohort dose adjustments, and inferior arm assessments in real-time – adaptively.

Perform real time analysis and efficiently communicate findings to a broader team through a series of interactive dashboards.
Delays in performing a dose-concentration and dose-toxicity analysis may occur due to limitations in efficiently aggregating data across disparate databases as well as the lack of standardization during the analysis process. The Apollo platform connects with various electronic data capture systems and lab vendors to seamlessly aggregate data while providing researchers with the analysis tools required to conduct and communicate findings to the broader project team.

Have data-driven confidence at the compound level to support portfolio decisions.
Aggregated population level data provides assurances for recommending dosing strategies when moving between study phases toward drug approval.
Support trial go/no-go decisions that relate to dosing with model-informed population level data that impact dose ranges, drug tolerability and toxicity, as well as efficacy.