How to cite InsightRX Nova

Methods section
For reproducibility and for appropriately crediting research contributions, please cite both the InsightRX software and the model(s) you used in your analysis. The appropriate reference for your model can be accessed by clicking the book icon next to the name of the model in the PK tab on InsightRX Nova.
Please see below for example descriptions.
- Data was entered into the InsightRX Nova Bayesian dosing platform (Insight Rx, Inc, 2021), and vancomycin pharmacokinetics were modeled using the Carreno model (Carreno et al., 2017) for patients with a BMI over 40 kg/m2 or the Thomson model for all other patients (Thomson, et al., 2009).
- Patient covariates were pulled from the electronic health record into the InsightRX Nova clinical decision support tool (Insight Rx, Inc, 2021), and initial doses were selected to achieve a forecasted cumulative area under the curve of 90 mg-h/L according to McCune population pharmacokinetic model (McCune etl al., 2014).
Reference section
Please cite the authors of the pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic models you used as you would cite any other published work. In your reference section or bibliography, please follow guidelines for the citation style for software requested by your publisher, such as:
Insight Rx, Inc. InsightRX Nova. Version 1.36.6. 2021. Software.
Insight Rx, Inc. 2021. InsightRX Nova (Version 1.36.6) [Computer software].
InsightRX Nova. (Version 1.36.6), Insight Rx, Inc. Accessed: November 1st, 2021. [Software]. Available: