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Welcome to InsightRX

Maximize therapeutic success with precision medicine

We empower life science and provider healthcare organizations to individualize treatment from clinical development to the point of care.

Precision Dosing

Patients Impacted


Doses Personalized


Sites Implemented

Who We Serve

End One-Size-Fits-All Drug Dosing.

At the Bedside
Precision dosing at the point of care can help address common yet preventable adverse drug events. In addition, population-level analytics and machine learning can use real-world data to continually improve dosing accuracy.
For Providers
In Drug Development
Incorporating precision dosing in clinical trials can identify optimal dosing strategies that maximize efficacy and reduce adverse drug events, de-risking approvals and increasing adoption by patients and providers.
For Biopharma
An end-to-end solution for precision dosing intelligence

Why precision dosing intelligence?

Maximize safety and efficacy

Precision dosing intelligence is about finding the right dose of the right drug for the right patient at the right time. At InsightRX, we believe that precision dosing intelligence can extend the benefits of precision medicine to even more patients by enabling individualization of treatments across a wide range of medications in broad use today.

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Improve patient care with data

Today, adverse drug events are viewed as an “acceptable risk” of patient care. At InsightRX, we see a world where patients and healthcare stakeholders can be confident that all approved medications will work effectively with minimal side effects. To bring about this vision, we’ve made it our mission to maximize therapeutic success through individualization of treatment and population-level analytics while achieving cost savings.

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Drive clinical innovation

Today, hospital pharmacies are often seen as cost centers. With precision dosing intelligence, hospital pharmacies can partner with different service lines and departments to lead the adoption of precision dosing, improving patient safety and maximizing drug efficacy across the broadest possible range of patients.

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